We have always wanted to share our experiences as musicians and sound designers. That is why we organise creative workshops and individual courses on sound exploration and computer-based music production.
Sound and Mood Workshop
Hertzrauschen is a journey through unexplored worlds of sound. We mainly focus on experimenting with sound and noise. Equipped with highly sensitive microphones, we explore the soundscapes of nature and urban environments and then proceed to intuitively edit our recordings with Ableton Live, creating individual compositions.
Hertzrauschen lets you experience and manipulate sound, crossing boundaries and discovering yourself.
Hertzrauschen is a unique group experience, a trip through external and internal landscapes.
This workshop offers technical know-how, creative notions, electronic jam sessions, improvisation and artistic visions.
Duration: 4-5 days
Location: mountain cabin, seaside or city
Required equipment: laptop computer and head phones
Software: Ableton Live
For beginners and musicians
Electronic Sound Workshop
Soundseeker is a combination of an electronic music workshop and the experimental use of sounds and noises. It offers an introduction to music production with field recordings and samplers. Learn how to create a beat using ant noise and turn street noise into music.
Soundseeker offers technical know-how and creative experimentation with analogue recordings and electronic sounds.
Duration: 8 h min.
Location: school, youth centre, rehearsal studio
Required equipment: laptop computer and head phones
Software: Ableton Live
For beginners and musicians
Some references:
Hertzrauschen - Bodenalm (Austria), 2014
Soundseeker for secondary school, Mittelschule Prad - Prad (IT) 2013
Hertzrauschen - Reinswald (IT), 2009 & 2011, Pongau (AUT), 2012
Soundseeker for Beatfabrik for kids, Jugendzentrum Unda - Toblach (IT), 2012
Ableton Live Workshop, Jugendzentrum Freiraum - Schlanders (IT), 2012
Ableton Live Workshop, Free University of Bozen - Bolzano, Faculty Of Design and Art - Bolzano (IT), 2011
Soundseeker for "Rejected" international Filmfestival - Innsbruck (AUT), 2011